April 14, 2019
April 7, 2019
March 31, 2019
March 17, 2019
March 10, 2019
March 3, 2019
Prayer Request
Livermore Homeless Refuge
We are a proud partner with the Livermore Homeless Refuge which provides a warm, safe, environment for the homeless to sleep whenever the temperature drops below 45 degrees or if there is a 20% chance of rain (or higher). If you are interested in volunteering with this ministry, please visit their website: www.livermorehomelessrefuge.org.
Encouragement Ministry
Our Encouragement Ministry gathers every other Monday morning at 10:00am to write cards and pray for members of our community. These meetings are open to anyone who would like to participate! For more information about these gatherings or to find out ways you can support and encourage those in need, contact the church office: office@trivalleychurch.org.